This is an indulgent, rich chocolate dessert. The secret to making a delicious caffeine- and alcohol-free tiramisu is raw cacao nibs. You can think of cacao nibs as unprocessed chocolate. They look like a cross between coffee beans and chopped nuts and their flavor is extremely bitter, even more bitter than that of dark chocolate. They taste almost like an alcoholic liquor, even though they contain no alcohol. It’s this intense, bitter flavor that makes them perfect for making a healthy tiramisu.
489 Calories, 12 g Protein, 28 g Carbohydrates, 11 g Fiber, 43 g Total fat (17 g sat), 16 mg Sodium, ★★★★★ Phosphorus, ★★★★ Vitamin E, Magnesium, ★★★ Iron, ★★ Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), B6, Zinc, ★ Vitamin B1 (thiamine), B3 (niacin), K, Calcium, Folate, Potassium